Peripheral Neuropathy

Stem Cells For Peripheral Neuropathy.
Many people suffer with the aggravating symptoms of neuropathy, which can include one or a combination of the following: pain, burning, tingling and numbness. These symptoms usually affect the arms, hands, legs or feet. Many times the cause cannot be found. The bottom line is that sufferers cannot be as active as before, at work, or with hobbies, or with family.
What we do know about neuropathy is that the nerves that are affected are being damaged by inflammation. An inflamed nerve loses its function to carry normal messages, like a radio or TV that isn’t getting the signal properly, resulting in a static sound or picture. For the same reasons, an inflamed nerve is not getting the nerve signals properly, causing the “static” of pain, tingling, numbness and burning. The nerve also loses its function of carrying normal messages of communication needed by the body.
The condition can be lifelong, causing persistent disability and dysfunction, with many people unable to walk or balance themselves.The condition is very common, affecting more than 3 million people in the U.S. every year. Medical treatments may help somewhat but medicine has no cure for this scourge upon humanity. Treatments can include Gabapentin, Lyrica, antidepressants, pain medication, anti-seizure medications and pain-relieving creams. These drugs can have dangerous side effects and may not even work.
So, it is imperative to find the actual root cause of the damage to the nerve. What is causing the nerve to be inflamed causing neuropathy? Only then can a successful solution be delivered.
There are alternatives which can help people find relief from this crippling disorder. We have had remarkable success using new modern treatments that includes the administration of stem cells. Stem cells are overcoming the underlying inflammation, which allows the damaged nerves of neuropathy to regenerate and heal. The miracle of stem cells is allowing a chance for neuropathy sufferers to finally return to a more normal life, able to be active again and enjoy life and family, like they were meant to live.
Knee Arthritis Pain

Regenerative Stem Cells Treatment for Knee Arthritis Pain
Our knees undergo a lot of abuse on a daily use. We are constantly standing and walking on them. In some cases, we run on them or stress them during sports activities or exercise. When healthy, they are vital to our ability to move around and be active in life. Eventually the knees can wear out, and stiffness and pain set in. Movement becomes difficult. A diagnosis of arthritis or degeneration is given, medications are prescribed, and the worsening pain often leads one to accept a recommendation of knee replacement.
What is happening is the cartilage in the knee is degenerating and cannot repair itself faster than the damage occurs. Normally this cartilage allows adequate cushioning between bones for the knee joint to freely and smoothly move. As the damaged cartilage worsens, we start to notice the effects of this wearing out: swelling, inflammation, tenderness, stiffness and lots of pain. Although this process can take time, these are signs of arthritic degeneration. Sadly, many people ignore the signs and resign themselves to suffer needlessly.
Fortunately, something can now be done about it. Science has developed the modern technology of stem cell treatment to help our office regenerate and repair degenerated, arthritic and damaged joints naturally, without drugs, steroids or knee replacement surgery. Our goal is to help patents return to an active, pain-free and enjoyable life.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Regenerative Treatments for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Wrist Pain
There is a nerve, the median nerve, that runs through a small tunnel formed by small bones in the wrist. Repetitive overuse or injury to the wrist causes inflammation and swelling of the ligaments holding these little wrist bones in place which pinches and irritates this nerve causing pain, tingling, numbness and weakness of the arm or hand, making it difficulty to function. The usual treatment for the damaged wrist is to administer steroid or surgery to the area. People report mixed results with these methods.
An available alternative that is safe and natural is to administer regenerative stem cells to help heal and repair the damage to these weakened and inflamed ligaments in the wrist, allowing normal, pain-free function again.
Hip Bursitis Pain

Regenerative Treatments for Hip Bursitis Pain.
Bursitis is pain and inflammation of a small cushion between bones, tendons, joints and muscles. Their function is to allow smooth motion between these tissues. A common area for a bursa to become inflamed is on the side of the hip, causing hip pain, worse with hip motion so that walking becomes difficult.
Atlas Natural Medicine has revolutionary natural methods using natural regenerative stem cells to reduce this painful bursa inflammation, allowing a return of normal hip motion and walking as a safe and effective alternative to drugs and invasive surgery.
Knee ACL and PCL Tear Pain

Regenerative Treatment for Knee ACL and PCL Tear Pain.
There are two important ligaments, the anterior cruciate ligament and the posterior cruciate ligament, that stabilize the knee, connecting the thigh bone (femur) with the lower leg bone (tibia). Ligaments are made of cartilage and either of these can be torn by injury to the knee. Traditional treatment is reconstructive surgery but often has a poor outcome, which can lead to early onset of arthritis and a knee replacement.
With the modern development of regenerative treatments such as stem cells, we can potentially avoid invasive surgery by allowing the damaged ligaments to heal and repair naturally and safely.
Knee Meniscus Tear Pain

Regenerative Treatments for Knee Meniscus Tear Pain.
In the knee, there is a meniscus on the inside and outside of the knee. They act like shock absorber cushions between the thigh bone and the lower leg bone. Being made of cartilage they can be torn by stress or injury to the knee, which can cause knee pain and weakness and difficulty walking. If the tear is severe enough, surgery may be necessary, and usually, a knee replacement follows this initial surgery in time.
In many meniscus tear cases, however, we can help the tear to naturally and safely heal and repair, without invasive surgery, through the use of regenerative treatments such as stem cells. Many have been able to avoid surgery and knee replacement.