Lateral Epicondylitis (Tennis Elbow) Pain

Regenerative Treatments for Lateral Epicondylitis (Tennis Elbow) Pain.
Lateral epicondylitis causes pain and inflammation in the top or outside of the elbow due to overuse, strain and tears of tendons that attach muscles that control extending the elbow to the bone. Although it is a common problem with tennis players, it occurs due to many other activities of daily life involving the use of the arms.
People today want to avoid dangerous medications and invasive surgery. Atlas Natural Medicine has non-invasive, natural regenerative stem cell treatments that can help heal the damage to the inflamed tendons and avoid steroid injections or elbow surgery.
Medial Epicondylitis (Golfer’s Elbow) Pain

Regenerative Treatments for Medial Epicondylitis (Golfer’s Elbow) Pain.
Medial epicondylitis is a type of tendonitis affecting the tendons on the inside (medial side) of the elbow which attach muscles that control the flexing of the fingers and wrists to the bone on that side of the elbow. Overuse damage to these muscles and tendons, such as from excessive gripping, hammering, painting or using a computer mouse by the hand, or swinging the arm (like during golf or other sports), has led to inflammation and pain of these tendons.
Atlas Natural Medicine realizes that more and more people today want to avoid dangerous medications and invasive surgery. We employ non-invasive, natural regenerative stem cell treatments that can help heal the damage to the inflamed tendons of medial epicondylitis and avoid the side effects of steroid injections or elbow surgery.
Shoulder Rotator Cuff Damage Pain

Regenerative Treatments for Shoulder Rotator Cuff Damage Pain.
The shoulder joint as a biomechanical structure is unstable, commonly susceptible to injury. There are four muscles that try to stabilize this joint. When these muscles and their tendons get damaged or torn due to injury or overuse, the shoulder area produces inflammation and pain and becomes weak, stopping the joint’s function and disabling the person. Many people turn to surgery to attempt to repair the inflamed, damaged and torn tissues.
Atlas Natural Medicine offers regenerative stem cell treatments to help repair and regenerate the damage and avoid pain and avoid shoulder surgery.
Biceps Tendon Tendonitis and Tear Pain

Regenerative Treatments for Biceps Tendon Tendonitis & Tear Pain.
The biceps tendon attaches the biceps muscle to the upper arm bone, the humerus. This tendon can be easily strained or torn from sports or a lifting injury, but the result is weakness and pain in the upper arm, elbow or shoulder. The diagnosis is usually called bicipital tendonitis. Regenerative stem cells have the growth factors ready to help get the tendon to repair and heal.
Plantar Fasciitis Pain

Regenerative Treatments for Plantar Fasciitis Pain.
The plantar fascia is a ligament-like band of tissue located on the bottom of the foot running from the heal to the toes. It is prone to overuse and becomes inflamed, which is diagnosed as plantar fasciitis. The usual symptom is pain during walking and often pain at the bottom of the heel, due to a bony heel spur. The standard treatment is steroid which may not fix the problem. A safe and effective alternative is to administer regenerative stem cells to restore strength to the area, so walking can be restored free of disabling pain.
Regenerative Treatments for Lyme Disease

Regenerative Treatments for Lyme Disease.
Lyme disease is a disastrous inflammatory disease which is spread from being bitten by a tick infected with the bacteria Borelia burgdorfi. There are more than 200 thousand cases in the U.S. every year. The initial symptoms feel like the flu, including chills, fever, headaches, fatigue, and aching joints and muscles. The traditional treatment is antibiotics but despite this many people progress to and advanced stage, with worsening symptoms that can include decreased concentration, memory problems, joint degeneration and arthritis, nerve damage, numbness, pain, paralysis of the face muscles, sleep disorder and vision problems.
Many cases of this dreadful disease have been helped dramatically through the administration of regenerative stem cell treatments which can reduce the inflammation and allow the body to fight back. The process of healing begins with coming in to see us for a consultation and evaluation.